Faux Fun Metallic Textures & Venetian Plaster

Video Librarian Vol.21 No.3 (2006)

Faux Fun: Metallic Texture & Venetian Plaster 3 1/2 stars out of 4 starts

2005 77 min. DVD: $14.98. Faux Fun (available from most distributors). color cover

Writer, director, producer and host Barbara Wurden's Metallic Textures & Venetian Plaster, the latest title in her acclaimed Faux Fun line of videos and DVD's teach both classical and contemporary decorative faux wall painting technique, including: tissue paper metallic faux finish, methods for applying both Venetian and crackled Venetian plaster, brushed metallic sand texturing, and a variety of broken pattern metallic textured wall decors, An onscreen materials list is displayed before each project (including trowels, sandpaper, plaster finish, metallic paints, tissue paper , and glitter), after which Wurden outlined the effect she wants to create, before launching into step-by-step instructions while also anticipating many beginner's boo-boos along the way (and suggesting fixed). After watching this, I think I could take a blank wall and create a crackled Venetian plaster finish that any merchant of Venice would be proud to display in his shop or sunken living room. A nicely-p0aced, excellently detailed program sure to appeal to DIY handypersons, this is highly recommended. Aud: P. (N Plympton)